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NCSS Service Standards

Welcome to a journey of service excellence and continuous improvement, guided by the NCSS Service Standards. We are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all, where collaboration and compassion are at the heart of everything we do.

Embracing Excellence in Service Delivery

In 2021, we launched the refreshed Service Standards Framework, developed in consultation with sector experts, professional bodies, ministry divisions, and social service agencies. This framework ensures that service continuity and quality thrive in a post-pandemic world.

Aligned with the Social Service Sector Strategic Thrusts (4ST) Roadmap 2022, these refreshed Service Standards empower agencies to refine their practices, processes, and programmes. Our aim is to create empowering, collaborative, person-centric, and sustainable services for the future.

31 Service Standards Across 9 Domains

Discover a comprehensive set of 31 service standards distributed across 9 mutually reinforcing domains. These standards are carefully designed to elevate your agency's service delivery and enhance service user outcomes. Wondering how NCSS Service Standards can benefit your programmes? Reach out to us at NCSS_Services@ncss.gov.sg for more information.

Programme OutcomesIntake & AssessmentIntervention PlanningCommunity & Resource SupportDischarge PlanningRecord Keeping & DocumentationAccessibility of ServiceProtection & Safety of UsersStaff/ Volunteer Management & Competency
Clear objectivesClear entry criteriaPlans are tailored to service usersService users supported with resources and information to achieve goalsClear discharge criteria and procedureTimely and up- to-date records are maintained for the required periodProvided during operating hours and/or with consideration of service usersGuidelines in placeDescriptions of roles are made available and reviewed regularly
Performance monitoringTimely screening of service eligibilityPlans are developed in partnership with stakeholdersPartnerships and coordination efforts with relevant stakeholders to facilitate service deliveryDischarge plans are discussed at appropriate junctures with relevant stakeholdersKept in a secure manner to uphold privacy and confidentialityMade available based on equal opportunitiesRegular risk assessmentsScreening process
Internal quality assessmentsIntake & assessment processPlans are reviewed at regular intervalsFollow-up plansAccessibility plan to ensure business and service continuityData management processesAdequate staff/volunteer levels and ratios
Feedback channels for service usersReferral processProgramme handover/covering processesManagement of emergenciesTraining & supervision
Protection of staff/volunteers


Unlocking Resources for Excellence

Explore valuable resources that support your agency's service improvement journey:

Service Standards 5-Stage Checklist: Track your agency's progress with our checklist designed to help you on your journey of service excellence.

Community of Practice for Service Standards (COPSS): In 2022, a Community of Practice for Service Standards was established to ensure the ongoing relevance, feasibility, and adoption of the NCSS Service Standards Framework. This community comprises dedicated practitioners and professionals from a wide range of agencies across various subsectors.

Join the Initiative

If you're interested in becoming a part of this important initiative and contributing to the enhancement of the NCSS Service Standards Framework, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at NCSS_Services@ncss.gov.sg.

Service Standards Playbook: This publication offers resources, templates, and guidance on the use of Service Standards. It's your toolkit for facilitating deeper thinking.

Chapter 1:

  • Developments of the NCSS Service Standards Framework.
  • Overview of the Service Standards Domains.

Chapter 2:

  • Instruction guide to use the NCSS Service Standards Self-Assessment in planning the ideal state of service delivery as well as identifying strengths and domain areas to be developed.

Chapter 3:

  • Zoom into the specific sections of identified domains to be developed for tips, templates and case studies by SSAs championing the NCSS Service Standards.