Our Projects and Initiatives
Discover a Career that Makes Lives Count
by Social Service Tribe
Campaign, Children & Youth, Disabilities & Special Needs, Families, Mental Health, Seniors
28 May 2020

Wondering what to do after graduation?

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Social Service Tribe career related events

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You're not alone

Meet Daniel. He just got his 'A' Level results and he's feeling good about them. The first thing he does? Eat at his favourite joint, of course! But things aren’t so smooth-sailing...

a-level-01 a-level-02 a-level-03
The events and characters depicted in this story are fictitious.

Curious to find out more?

Register your interest for our upcoming
Social Service Tribe career related events

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Consider a Social Service Internship
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Pursue a Social Service Course
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A Peek into Becoming a Job Coach

by APSN Centre for Adults (CFA)

A Job Coach at APSN CFA matches our clients with Mild Intellectual Disability who are job-ready with suitable employment opportunities.

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6 Social Service Jobs Where You Can Use Your Skill

Social Service Tribe

Carving out a career which allows you to impact the lives of those who need it most, instead of settling for the typical 9 to 5 – sound like a job prospect that’s right down your alley?

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work


SUN-DAC, an agency that supports differently abled persons aged 16 and above, share how they work together to empower others and make lives count.

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