Our Projects and Initiatives
Discover the faces of Social Service Tribe
by Social Service Tribe
21 Dec 2018
We may hold different titles and positions across social service, but the work we do every day serves a greater purpose: to make a positive difference in the lives of others, and our society at large.
Take a look at our campaign and website and you’ll see our social service professionals in action. Want to know more about what we do? Read on to discover the many faces of Social Service Tribe.
Fact #1: Our teams are diverse. But together, we make a difference.
The social service sector spans nine distinct career fields, but we believe in working together as one. Through therapy, social work, corporate services and more, our professionals strive to put a smile on the faces of everyone we serve. Click here to see the various job roles offered in our Tribe.

These are but a few of the professionals of our Tribe from diverse career fields.

Fact #2: No matter what our expertise, we’re in the company of the like-minded.
Many social service professionals thrive on working together — because everyone shares the same set of values. Julyn Ng, a Psychologist, says, “My colleagues have been a source of strength — they’re some of the most genuine people around. They motivate me whenever I face problems, and we often bounce ideas off each other.”

Julyn Ng, Psychologist (rightmost), discusses joint lesson plans with colleagues of different specialisations. 

Fact #3: We have the privilege of impacting lives across five main areas.
Across the nation, the Social Service Tribe makes a collective difference for service users in the following areas: Disabilities and Special Needs, Mental Health, Children and Youths, Seniors, and Families.

Norieta B. Galuga, Therapy Aide (left), and Eloise Lie Ying Ying, Occupational Therapist (right), guide a senior through daily tasks as part of her therapy.  
Fact #4: What we do takes more than just a good heart.
Social service isn’t just about wanting the best for others — it’s about knowing how to bring out the best in them too. Doing that requires years of education and professional qualification. Not to mention lots of dedicated hard work. To see how your education can help you discover meaningful opportunities, simply explore this website.

With the right qualifications and skillsets, you can too discover a fulfilling career in our Tribe, just like these professionals have.   
Together, we’re the Social Service Tribe.
Click here to learn about our career fields, and how you can join us in inspiring positive change and empowering others to live with dignity.

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