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Caregiving and Caregiver Support


“There are only four kinds of people in the world.
Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers.
Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.”
 - Rosalyn Carter


Enabling Masterplan 2017 - 2021: Caring Nation, Inclusive Society

The Enabling Masterplan is a five-year roadmap that guides the building of a more inclusive society. The 3rd Enabling Masterplan guide initiatives for the period 2017 - 2021, building on the progress of the 2nd Enabling Masterplan (2012 - 2016) in fostering a caring and inclusive society for both caregivers and persons with disabilities. Find out more about the recommendations by the Steering Committee for the 3rd Enabling Masterplan announced on 20 December 2016.

A Shared Responsibility

In our pursuit of a brighter future for caregiving, we delved into a user-centric design ethnography process. This journey unearthed the needs, wants, and challenges faced by caregivers, resulting in a publication and a prototype toolkit designed to spark conversations and provide support.

Caregivers: The red thread across social and health care

Aid and attention are usually given to patients in healthcare, or to clients in social service organisations. However, when we step back to look at the journey of patients or clients, we begin to see Caregivers who are always alongside them throughout these care journeys.

Family Caregivers are the main care coordinators, acting as a red thread, trying to tie together the fragmented pieces of their family member’s care across several different touch points: clinicians, hospital stays, polyclinic visits, dealing with social service agencies and other community services. They are the ones that link the key transitions between care touch points and home or everyday life.


Support for Caregivers: A Core Focus for NCSS

Caregiving is both a challenging and profoundly fulfilling journey. Within our community, we provide extensive support and resources for both caregivers and care recipients.

NCSS supported three caregiver support initiatives shared during the Motion on Singapore Women's Development. These initiatives aim to create a comprehensive support ecosystem for caregivers to strengthen the first and last mile support for caregivers.

icon WIN Caregivers Network

icon The Caregiver Community Lab

icon Alliance for Action for Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities


Who Cares for the Caregiver? Who Cares for the Future of Caregiving?

To answer these questions, we engaged in a user-centric design ethnography process with diverse caregivers. Through this, we identified their needs, values, hopes, and fears. Insights gleaned are translated into opportunity areas to enhance the caregiving experience.

The Outputs

The publication and toolkit are the fruits of our design ethnographic process. The publication outlines nine key insights, translating them into a future vision of caregiving. It presents an actionable design strategy visualised through concept maps. The toolkit, designed for healthcare workers, social service professionals, volunteers, and caregivers, offers tools to spark conversations and provide support.

Please fill up this form before downloading the publication and the toolkit.


icon "Who Cares?" Publication

icon "We Care" Toolkit

For more information, visit our partner consultancy, Fuelfor's Who Cares microsite.


Continue the Journey

The concepts featured in the publication are open for further development. Contact us online or email Pumpkinlab@ncss.gov.sg if you wish to contribute to creating a better future for caregiving.