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NCSS 40-Under-40 2024

3 December 2024

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NCSS 40-Under-40 Day 1 – Key highlights

Mr Anjan Ghosh holding a microphone, giving a speech.

Welcome address by Mr Anjan Ghosh, Group Director, Capability Group, NCSS.

Panel discussion at NCSS 40-Under-40 event fostering connections with next-generation leaders.

NCSS 40-Under-40 alumni panel.

Speaker presenting 'The Six Levels of Service' at NCSS 40-Under-40 event.

Engagement with Mr Ron Kaufman.

Facilitator engaging participants in an interactive session during the NCSS 40-Under-40 event.

Facilitated Engagement with Hush Tea Bar.

Speaker sharing insights with an engaged audience during a panel discussion at the NCSS 40-Under-40 event.
Group photo of participants celebrating connections and collaboration at the NCSS 40-Under-40 event.

Starry Starry Night: Dinner Engagement with NCSS Board Members and 40-Under-40 Advisors.

NCSS 40-Under-40 Day 2 – Key highlights

Speaker engaging with the audience during a session at the NCSS 40-Under-40 event.

Engagement with Ms Karen Wong, Public and Government Affairs Director, ExxonMobil Singapore.

Panelists engaging in discussion at the NCSS 40-Under-40 event.

Changemaker panel giving a speech.

Mr. Ravi Menon speaking at the NCSS 40-Under-40 event, emphasizing fostering connections with future leaders.

Engagement with Mr Ravi Menon, Ambassador for Climate Action and Senior Adviser (NCCS), PMO.

Mr. Seah Kian Peng speaking at the NCSS 40-Under-40 event, sharing insights on leadership and collaboration.

Engagement with Mr Seah Kian Peng, Speaker of Parliament.

NCSS 40-Under-40 Day 3 – Key highlights

Facilitator engaging participants in a discussion, explaining concepts using a visual chart during a workshop session.


Participants seated against a wall, reflecting on displayed workshop materials during a group activity session.

Space-out Challenge: Regulating our emotional well-being.

Two speakers engaged in a discussion during the 40-Under-40 session, fostering connections with next-generation leaders.
Group photo of participants and speakers at the 40-Under-40 event, fostering connections with next-generation leaders.

Engagement with Minister Masagos Zulfiki, Minister for Social & Family Development.

Past participants

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