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Verlata NetDocuments

Year Published 2020

Create, manage, access and collaborate on documents and emails anywhere, anytime and on any device

NetDocuments is a cloud-based Document and Email Management Solution, providing firms and their users the ability to create, manage, access and collaborate on documents and emails anywhere, anytime and on any device. NetDocuments has a strategic partnership with Microsoft to natively integrate with their Office 365 Web Applications without the use of OneDrive. There are no requirements for on-premise servers and hardware. With increased organisation, search, mobility and security features, NetDocuments has become the dominant platform for housing documents in a true-cloud encrypted environment.

Demo by Verlata Consulting (recorded during TechUP Friday! event on 4 Dec 2020)

Refer to the slides here for more details on NetDocuments.

For more information, please visit www.verlata.com  
For any enquiries, please contact:
james.chan@verlata.com or call +65 9299 9843
daniel.chan@verlata.com or call +65 9757 3629