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Beyond The Label - Mental Health Advocate: Amos | NCSS Singapore

07 Jan 2022

Amos Tan - BTL Ambassador

Despite performing well in his studies since young, Amos experienced persistent low moods and difficulties coping with life in his adolescent years. Along with relationship and family issues, the stress he faced when he entered university became worse. Thankfully, Amos had a strong support system of close friends to confide in. They convinced him to seek professional help when he shared about having suicidal thoughts. He was eventually diagnosed with Major Depression and Anxiety in 2017. With therapy and medication, he learnt to accept himself for his mental health condition.

Through attending a peer empowerment workshop “My Story, Our Journey” organised by @resiliencesg, Amos found great support and encouragement from connecting with other peers living in recovery from mental health conditions.

Today, Amos uses his story to raise awareness, hold the hope and break the stigma surrounding mental health - proving that sometimes all it takes to spark a mutually healing conversation, is to have the courage to first be vulnerable yourself.

Amos is now pursuing his Masters in Psychology, training to be a clinical psychologist.

#beyondthelabel #mentalhealthawareness #togetheragainststigma #togetherwecanovercome #youarenotalone



If you or anyone you know is overwhelmed with stress or anxiety, or is experiencing signs of mental health conditions, find the help you need via Belle, Beyond the Label helpbot. Take the first step to recovery by seeking help early.

Also, learn more about how we tackle mental health stigma through the Beyond The Label movement.

Read more about the personal journey of our Beyond the Label campaign ambassadors.