We are excited to announce our refreshed NCSS identity! Find out more about our brand refresh.

2015 Speech by Minister Tan Chuan-Jin for SSI Graduation and Awards Ceremony_19Sep2015
Speech by Minister Tan Chuan-Jin for SSI Graduation and Awards Ceremony_19Sep2015
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2015 Speech by Mr Phillip Tan at the Sharity Day FINAL 29 Sep
Speech by Mr Phillip Tan at the Sharity Day FINAL 29 Sep
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2015 SSI Enables_WDA CE Speech
SSI Enables_WDA CE Speech
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2015 Speech by Mr Yang Tse Pin Chairman of Community Chest Golden Jubilee Charity Concert Organising Committee at SCO Concert Hall
Speech by Mr Yang Tse Pin Chairman of Community Chest Golden Jubilee Charity Concert Organising Committee at SCO Concert Hall
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2015 SSI Career and Education Fair
CEO Speech for SSI Career and Education Fair_10Oct2015
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