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“Social Work combines theoretical knowledge with clinical skills to provide professional help.”

14 Dec 2017

I made the switch to social work because…
At this stage of my life, I’m not looking for just any job. I want a career that gives me a sense of purpose and fulfilment that is not measured by dollars and cents. I have an interest in helping the impoverished in society because I believe that this issue is very real and I want to play my part.  Becoming a social worker allows me to do that.

The importance of having the right qualifications for social work...
Social work is unlike volunteering. It is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that is underpinned by theories and principles.
Through the Bachelor of Social Work programme by SIM University, I’ve gained a better understanding of the complexities of human beings and the dynamic relationship we have within the society. I’ve also developed different perspectives and increased my self-awareness. I’m looking forward to combining my theoretical knowledge and clinical skills to help the less fortunate once I graduate.
Having the passion to help is important but having the right training to do so effectively is even more critical.
On having more male social workers...
According to reports, only about 20 per cent of social workers are male. I think it’ll be good for the profession to have a greater number of male social workers, especially when it comes to working with male clients. I’m not saying a female social worker can’t work with a male client but there might be some gender-sensitive matters that the client might prefer to discuss with a male social worker. In any case, what matters is that the sector benefits from a diverse range of professionals.
Social work as a career…
I can say with complete confidence that I’m a lot happier to be practising social work than I was doing anything else in the past. Happiness is something that I believe many people search for in their lives. Being in a profession that enables me to make a positive impact on people gives me immense satisfaction. Of course, it has its challenges but nothing beats having that strong sense of purpose and fulfilment.