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Launch of Beyond the Label (BTL) Collective - Rallies Partners To Better Support Persons With Mental Health Conditions
SINGAPORE, 07 OCTOBER 2022 – The Beyond the Label (BTL) Collective rallies 26 like-minded partners from the public, private and people sectors to better support persons with mental health conditions and to build a more inclusive society. Beyond raising awareness, the BTL Collective will inspire action in schools, workplaces and community groups to achieve these goals.
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MSF Appoints New Board Members for the National Council of Social Service
The Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) announced today key appointment holders to the Board of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS), and the re-appointment of the Board President. In addition to the appointments made by Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Health, Mr Masagos Zulkifli, other Board members were elected at NCSS’ Annual General Meeting held on 13 July 2022 or appointed by the Board President, all of whom will serve a two-year term from 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2024.
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Launch of Refreshed Social Service Sector Roadmap and Fund to Strengthen Partnerships for Better Social Service Delivery
SINGAPORE, 13 JULY 2022 – The refreshed Social Service Sector Strategic Thrusts (4ST), a five-year roadmap for the social service sector, was launched today at the annual Social Service Summit convened by the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). Complementing the refreshed roadmap, NCSS also released the 4ST Playbook, and an upcoming 4ST Partnership Fund to empower the sector to strengthen social service delivery through innovative collaborations.
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Closure of The Courage Fund Relief Schemes
SINGAPORE, 24 May 2022 – Close to 30,000 individuals who required support during the COVID-19 pandemic have benefitted from The Courage Fund (TCF). The beneficiaries included healthcare and other frontline workers who stepped up with courage in the thick of the pandemic, and lower-income households directly affected by COVID-19. Following the adjustment in Singapore’s Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) status on 26 April 2022, and extensive easing of community and border measures, MSF and NCSS have reviewed and will close all TCF COVID-19 relief schemes with immediate effect.Those who had been certified as COVID-positive before 24 May 2022 can still apply.
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NCSS’ Beyond The Label Focuses On Addressing Stigma, Empowering Youths And Promoting Family And Community Support For Persons With Mental Health Conditions
The fourth edition of the Beyond the Label (BTL) public education movement by the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) will focus on addressing stigma, targeting youths, and parents. The year-long movement was launched today at the BTL Fest – the movement’s signature festival, by Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development, Mr Eric Chua.
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