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Singapore Chinese Weekly Entertainment Club Rallies Chinese Community Leaders to Donate More than Half A Million Dollars to the Invictus Fund
Some 50 members of the Singapore Chinese Weekly Entertainment Club (中华为基利俱乐部), a private members club comprising prominent Chinese businessmen and community leaders, have raised a total of $530,000 for The Invictus Fund.
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Taskforce to Strengthen the Social Service Sector During and Beyond COVID-19
The National Council of Social Service (NCSS) set up the Beyond COVID-19 Taskforce in May 2020, to guide and strengthen the resilience of the social service sector during and beyond COVID-19. Chaired by NCSS President Ms Anita Fam, the Taskforce comprises 21 other members who are representatives from the corporate, public and people sectors.
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New Chief Executive Officer to be appointed to the National Council of Social Service
The Ministry of Social and Family Development announced the appointment of Ms Tan Li San (陈丽珊) as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Councilof Social Service (NCSS) from 1 June 2020. She succeeds Mr Sim Gim Guan (沈锦源). 
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9th Together Against Stigma Global Conference Co-organised by IMH and NCSS with Partners
  • Singapore is the first Southeast Asian country to host the international conference
  • Conference will see over 500 local and international delegates from the healthcare and social service sectors gather in a global fight against mental health stigma
  • Employer toolkit and online assessment tool launced to support mental wellbeing and resilience at the workplace
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NCSS Launches Beyond The Label Helpbot and Engages Youth in Fight Against Mental Health Stigma
  • New Beyond the Label Helpbot to reduce barrier to seeking help
  • Inaugural Beyond the Label Fest to allow for meaningful interactions with and understanding of persons with mental health conditions
  • Strategic youth partnerships to empower youth to address stigma and provide peer support
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